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The "Influencer"

Unless you’re into extreme hiking, sailing, or running, you probably don’t own the Marmot Minimalist Rain Jacket. But last week, one user wrote this review on a popular website: “I’ve been looking for an affordable jacket that blocks wind just right so I will stay warm in gusty cold weather below 20 F and low sub-zero weather temperatures.” A couple days before that, another user posted this review: “I’ve owned this jacket for nearly 2 years now and I find it extremely versatile.” And just this week, another user wrote: “Currently I coach sailboat racing teams in Rhode Island during the summers. On one rainy and windy day, I brought the Marmot jacket out and was surprised at how dry it kept me compared to my other foul weather gear which allowed water to seep in after being in hard rain for 6 hours.” Ahhh, sounds like we all need to run out and purchase this jacket, right? Right about now, you’re probably asking yourself, “How does the Marmot Minimalist Rain Jacket relate to the legal industry?” Well, you may be interested to learn that an estimated 55 percent of all consumers now begin their decision making process to purchase by researching the reviews of others. This applies to every product or service, from extreme rain gear to hotels to legal services. However, the reviews -- and reviewers -- may take different forms. For example, I recently learned of a start-up company that raised nearly $200 million based solely on a concept of providing written reviews for businesses wanting to market their products and services. They are paid influencers who write positive things about a product or service. The methods may be changing, but the concept isn’t new. The definition of an influencer is a person or group that has the ability to influence the behavior or opinions of others. The role of an influencer is to affect the purchase decision in some way significant or authoritative. Who is your firm's influencer?

At JAG & Associates, we have created long and trusted relationships with law firms and individuals for over 25 years. To learn how our “reviews” can impact your law firm’s growth strategy, please contact us at to arrange for a confidential meeting.

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